BTS: The story behind the first scene of Las Vegas Countdown to 2024

LAS VEGAS (NEXSTAR) – Producing a show, especially in the entertainment capital of the world, ‘Las Vegas Countdown to 2024’ involves much planning, rehearsals and teamwork, but what about that opening montage? You know the one, it’s the video with the dynamic images of Las Vegas, quick transitions, and powerful music that sets the tone for the entire evening. How exactly does that come together?

The show open, as it’s referred to, begins with a vision – now that vision might be somewhat loose at first but it’s distinctly specific by the time the camera rolls. For Las Vegas Countdown to 2024 that vision was as clear as the horizon line from the Mohave on day one…it was time for a celebration. A celebration of 2024, a celebration of the coming Super Bowl, and a celebration of an incredible relationship between Nexstar Media Inc. Stations and the Las Vegas Raiders.

There’s no limit to the ways a celebration can be symbolized, but in Las Vegas there is only one…and that’s the iconic images and legendary Raiderettes. After all, if you’re going to ring in a new year in the entertainment capital of the world it doesn’t get much bigger than Football’s Fabulous Females.

With the vision set and the choreography designed, the Las Vegas Raiders organization opened Allegiant Stadium to Nexstar Media and the entire Las Vegas Countdown to 2024 team to film this year’s open for the nation’s largest local broadcaster. Over the three hours of filming, 32 Raiderettes and co-host Michael Yo embodied all of what it is to truly celebrate teamwork and Las Vegas.

Now that you had a small peek behind the curtain, don’t miss the opening of Las Vegas Countdown to 2024 at the top of this story!