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Dwight Howard roamed around the Mayan-themed pool of a resort at Walt Disney World, while the sound system thumped around him in the dark. It was Saturday night in the NBA bubble and the league had arranged a bit of a party for its players on their first weekend there.

“Welcome back to Orlando,” said one woman, a hotel employee. Howard, who started his career as a top draft pick by the Orlando Magic, thanked her, broadcasting the interaction on Instagram.

He walked over to the bar, where bartenders clad with face masks waited to serve. After some thought, Howard ordered a drink called a Cancun Colada then said he’d return once it was ready. No need. The drink was ready immediately.

“Dwight told me he was the only one there,” Lakers star Anthony Davis said, chuckling when asked about the event’s low turnout. “I think, quite frankly, a lot of guys just didn’t know about it. I know the NBA’s trying to make this as comfortable as possible and as relaxing as possible for us so they’re going to always try to do different things to try to make everyone feel as [at] home as possible.”

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