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What is the best pet thyroid and hormone medication?

Many of the hormonal and thyroid conditions known to humans are also common to dogs and cats. Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are seen regularly in veterinarian offices. Addison’s and Cushing’s diseases, diabetes, and even reproductive hormone issues can beset your furry friend.

Watching for unusual symptoms such as frequent urination, fast heartbeat, weight gain or loss, or hair loss can tip off owners that something might be wrong. A trip to the veterinarian can get your pet the right medication. For its multipurpose application and being well tolerated by pets, Prednisone Generic Tablets are the best pet thyroid and hormone medication.

What to know before you buy pet thyroid and hormone medication

What is the thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland is a small endocrine gland that secretes important hormones in your pet. The main hormone produced by the thyroid gland is thyroxine. Thyroxine is known medically as T4. Thyroid hormones help control heart rate, body temperature and how quickly the body burns calories.

What happens when the thyroid gland malfunctions?

There are two primary thyroid conditions based on the amount of thyroid hormone produced.

  • Hyperthyroidism occurs when too much thyroid hormone is made. Hyperthyroidism is rare in dogs but occurs more commonly in middle-aged and older cats. The symptoms include weight loss, increased urination and increased thirst.
  • Hypothyroidism happens when the thyroid gland is unable to make enough thyroid hormone. It occurs more commonly in dogs and rarely in cats. The symptoms include weight gain, lethargy, hair loss and a slow heart rate.

The right medication restores thyroid hormone balance and mitigates original symptoms.

What are the other endocrine hormones?

Your pet’s endocrine system also includes the pituitary gland, adrenal system, pancreas and reproductive glands. Common hormones such as epinephrine, insulin, testosterone, estrogen and growth hormones are all secreted and regulated as part of the large endocrine system. There are medications available to treat conditions when any of these hormones are out of balance.

What to look for in a quality pet thyroid and hormone medication


  • Tablets are the most common form of hormone medication. Some tablets are chewable and can be given to your pet directly. Others are not chewable and need to be swallowed whole. These can be paired with bread or peanut butter to help your pet swallow them easily.
  • Oral solutions of levothyroxine and other hormone medications are administered in drops with a syringe.
  • Injectable medications provide an instant infusion of medicine into your pet’s bloodstream. They are typically administered by veterinarians, but there are some medications available in this form for pet owners that are comfortable injecting their dog or cat.


If your pet requires long-term drug therapy and you purchase your medications from an online pharmacy, consider setting up a subscription where the pharmacy automatically sends your medications every month. This eliminates you having to remember to order refills and ensures that your dog or cat doesn’t miss a dose.


Pet medications are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration in the same manner as human pharmaceuticals. The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act gives the FDA the authority to oversee pet medicines. Make sure the medications you purchase have been prescribed by your veterinarian and are from an FDA-approved manufacturer.

How much you can expect to spend on pet thyroid and hormone medication

Thyroid medications run between 7 to 25 cents per tablet. Other hormone medications are priced between 30 cents to $1.40 per tablet, with insulin and adrenal medications being at the higher end. Some medications are a single dose per day, while other conditions require multiple doses daily.

Pet thyroid and hormone medication FAQ

Are there dietary changes that can help with endocrine conditions?

A. Medications prescribed by your veterinarian remain the best way to restore hormonal balance in your pet. When your pet has been diagnosed with an endocrine excess or insufficiency, a balanced diet is best. Try to avoid table scraps and foods that your pet normally wouldn’t eat.

What is Addison’s disease?

A. Addison’s disease occurs when the adrenal glands are not making enough corticosteroid hormones. Symptoms of Addison’s disease are lethargy, decreased appetite, diarrhea and vomiting. Since these can be symptoms of other conditions, see your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis.

What is the best pet thyroid and hormone medication to buy?

Top pet thyroid and hormone medication

Best Prednisone Generic Tablets

Prednisone Generic Tablets

What you need to know: This medication is commonly prescribed for dogs and cats to address inflammation and hormonal issues.

What you’ll love: This medication is well tolerated by most pets although there are some mild side effects that can occur. It is commonly prescribed for Addison’s disease, which affects the adrenal system.

What you should consider: Prednisone may cause increased thirst and hunger, and your pet may urinate more frequently.

Where to buy: Sold by Petco

Top pet thyroid and hormone medication for the money

Best Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets

Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets

What you need to know: This medication is a common and effective treatment for hypothyroidism in dogs and cats.

What you’ll love: This medication is prescribed to replace thyroid hormones not being produced at a normal level. Your pet may experience weight gain, low energy and hair loss when thyroid levels are low.

What you should consider: The side effects are minimal, but the medicine should be taken in consultation with your veterinarian.

Where to buy: Sold by Petco

Worth checking out

Best Methimazole Generic Tablets for Cats

Methimazole Generic Tablets for Cats

What you need to know: This commonly prescribed medication for hyperthyroidism in cats is effective at treating symptoms.

What you’ll love: Hyperthyroidism, which is also known as thyrotoxicosis, causes weight loss, fast heartbeat and vomiting in cats. Methimazole is a reliable treatment well tolerated by most cats and brings observable improvement in a few weeks.

What you should consider: It can take up to 12 weeks for side effects to dissipate gradually.

Where to buy: Sold by Petco

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Steve Ganger writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.

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