WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) – The Senate voted Wednesday afternoon on the border bill that senators worked for months to construct only to declare it dead on arrival.

 Even though the border part seems to be dead, Senate Democrats hope to breathe life into emergency aid for Ukraine and Israel.

After a few days of chaos on Capitol Hill, the Senate brought two major bills to the floor, one that included a border deal and one that didn’t.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer took one last crack at passing the southern border deal that Republicans and Democrats had at one time agreed upon.

“The 180 degree turn Republicans have done on border is one of the most stunning things I’ve seen Congress in a long, long time do,” said Schumer.

Schumer blames former president Donald Trump for urging Republicans to tank the bill so Trump can campaign on continuing chaos on the border.

The Democrats’ backup plan is a bill that provides funding for Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific, plus humanitarian aid for Ukraine and Gaza and money to help stop the flow of fentanyl, without the changes in immigration law.

Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Durbin says Ukraine needs help to continue its war against Russia.

“The people in Ukraine deserve better. We need to stand together with them,” said Durbin.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell supported the move to ‘Plan B’ but blamed President Joe Biden for being weak on foreign policy in the first place.

“We know the Biden administration lacks the resolve to defeat those who spill American blood,” said McConnell.

Senators are hopeful that the House will agree to take up the bill soon.