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Redondo Union High School reopened on Thursday after a closure focused on improving campus safety in the wake of two armed students being arrested on campus.

In separate incidents, two 15-year-old 10th-graders were caught with loaded guns on Monday and Tuesday, prompting officials to close the school Wednesday to “provide optimal conditions for our district team and RBPD to work together to conduct a comprehensive review of our safety measures and implement strategies to amplify this important work,” school officials and the Redondo Beach Police Department said in a joint statement.

“The two back-to-back incidents are something we would never have imagined,” school officials said “We are going to need to work together to solve the issue of access to guns. Understandably, our school community will demand and expect RBUSD to ensure student safety each and every day. Pointing fingers and placing blame is not the solution…The reality is, it can happen again, so we must work together.”

The two armed students, whose identities were not released due to their ages, face multiple felony charges.

Both were arrested for allegedly being a minor in possession of a gun, possession of a gun on school grounds, possession of a high-capacity magazine, carrying a loaded firearm in public and possession of an unregistered loaded gun.