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Antonio Villaraigosa’s campaign filed a complaint Thursday against an independent political committee supporting Democratic rival Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom in the governor’s race, alleging that the committee failed to disclose its efforts to help the top Republican in the race.

The complaint, filed with the state Fair Politicial Practices Commission, accuses Citizens Supporting Gavin Newsom for Governor of assisting the campaign of GOP candidate John Cox with a television ad.

The complaint alleges that the effort is an attempt to help Cox finish in the top-two primary in June to advance the Rancho Santa Fe businessman to a general election face-off with Newsom, the front-runner in the race — instead of Villaraigosa or another Democrat. No Republican has won a statewide race in California since 2006, so facing Cox in the November election would be to Newsom’s advantage.

The complaint states that California law requires the political committee to disclose its efforts to help Cox. It also alleges that the organization failed to disclose in a timely fashion the major donations it had received.

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