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Ahead of Saturday’s primary, a new statewide poll in South Carolina shows former Vice President Joe Biden with a commanding lead over his competitors.

According to a Nexstar Media South Carolina TV Stations/Emerson College poll, Former Vice President Joe Biden received 41.4%. He was followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont with 24.8%, former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of Indiana with 11.1%, California environmentalist Tom Steyer with 10.8%, Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota with 5.5%, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts with 4.7%, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii with 1.8%.

A graphic from Emerson College Polling shows results of poll of South Carolina voters released Feb. 27, 2020.
A graphic from Emerson College Polling shows results of poll of South Carolina voters released Feb. 27, 2020.

Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg is not on the ballot in South Carolina, but voters were asked if they’d support him if he were. Overall, 21% said they would have voted for him, Emerson reported.

Candidates must receive at least 15% of the vote Saturday to qualify for any delegates.

The survey was conducted on Feb. 26 and Feb. 27 following Tuesday’s debate and included 550 people. Women made up 59.3% of survey respondents, while men represented 40.7% of the survey.

Of those surveyed, 75.3% identified as Democrats, 20.5% as Independent/other and 4.2% as Republicans.

The margin of error for the poll is plus or minus 4.1%

On Wednesday, Joe Biden secured the endorsement of Rep. James Clyburn, the highest-ranking black member of Congress from South Carolina and a crucial endorsement in the state.

Additional results from the poll will be released Friday morning at, the website for KTLA’s sister station in Spartanburg, South Carolina.