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When it comes to the presidential election, a new statewide poll shows the majority of Californians will vote for Democratic candidate Joe Biden but they aren’t very excited about it. 

Of the 800 people surveyed in an exclusive Nexstar Media/Emerson College poll, the majority, 59.2%, said they will vote for the former Vice President but 26% said they were “not that excited” about doing so. 

About the same amount of respondents, 26.4%, said they were “mildly excited” and only 19% said they were “extremely excited” about voting for the Democrat. 

The survey included 409 women and 391 men. 47.7% said they were registered as Democrat, 22.8% said they were Republican, and 29.8% said they were Independent or other. 

Of those surveyed, 29% of respondents said they would vote for President Donald Trump in the November election. 

President Trump’s supporters in California appear to be more enthusiastic about voting for him than Biden’s supporters. 27.6% said they were “extremely excited” about voting for Trump while 22.6% said they were “not that excited.” 

The poll shows the state’s top choice for Joe Biden’s running mate is California Senator Kamala Harris, 25.4%. Elizabeth Warren was a close second with 24.4%. 

The only other person to get double-digits was Amy Klobuchar with 13.3% while 22.7% said they think it should be “someone else.” 

When it comes to Tara Reade’s sexual harassment and assault allegations against Biden, the majority, 41.1%, believe they are false. 29.3% said they believe the former Senate staffer’s allegations while 29.6% were unsure. 

See the raw data from the poll in the documents below:

The California Nexstar Media/Emerson College poll was conducted May 8-9, 2020 and has a margin of error of +/- 3.4%.