A woman was gored during an encounter with a bull that was witnessed by startled beachgoers in the Cabo San Lucas area of Mexico’s Baja California Sur.

Video of the incident recorded Saturday by María Leticia Montaño Casas shows the bull eating from a bowl under the woman’s canopy as she is apparently trying to coax it away from the area.

Later in the video, the bull is still on the beach and eating from some bags left in the sand several feet from the woman’s campsite.

  • A bull eats under a woman's canopy on a beach in Mexico's Baja California Sur on May 11, 2024.
  • A woman picks up bags a bull is eating from on a beach in Mexico's Baja California Sur on May 11, 2024.
  • A bull is seen charging at a woman on a beach in Mexico's Baja California Sur on May 11, 2024.
  • A woman is knocked to the ground by a bull on a beach in Mexico's Baja California Sur on May 11, 2024.

The woman proceeds to grab the bags away from the bull while bystanders are heard yelling, “You are really playing with it right now. Please don’t do that.”

The woman drops the bags as the bull moves toward her but stays in the area and attempts to pick one of them up again while someone yells, “Jesus. Please get away, you’re not doing us any favors.”

That’s when the bull charges, striking the woman with its horns and knocking her to the sand.

It then strikes her several more times as she tries to get up.

The attack stops once the woman remains on the ground in the fetal position.

Bystanders got the bull to wander away from the woman by tossing water at it from a bucket.

The woman’s condition is unknown but she was seen on the video getting back on her feet after the attack.