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A Wendy’s employee is accused of getting into a fight with a drive-thru customer, stealing their vehicle and then hitting them with it.

According to a statement from Overland Police Department in Missouri, officers were called to the Wendy’s on Feb. 5 for a reported fight in progress.

When they arrived, they met with the victim, who said he got into an argument with an employee while in the drive-thru lane.

The employee, later identified as Leon S. Johnson (age not provided), walked out of the store and began punching the victim while they were sitting in their car.

The victim told police he grabbed a hammer from his car and began swinging it at Johnson to get him to retreat. The victim exited his car with the hammer, at which point Johnson got in the victim’s car and drove off. Johnson reportedly returned with the car and hit the victim with his own vehicle.

The victim said he dropped his hammer and that Johnson got out of the victim’s car, picked up the hammer, and began striking the victim with it.

Police claim Johnson admitted to taking the victim’s car and hitting him with it. They said Johnson bit two police officers who attempted to take him into custody.

The St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged Johnson with first-degree assault, first-degree tampering with a motor vehicle, third-degree assault, second-degree property damage, resisting arrest for a felony, and two counts of fourth-degree assault.

Johnson was jailed on a $500,000 cash-only bond.