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Preet Bharara, the US attorney for the Southern District of New York, tweeted Saturday that he was fired after refusing to resign as requested by President Donald Trump’s administration.

“I did not resign. Moments ago I was fired,” Bharara wrote on his verified Twitter account Saturday afternoon. “Being the US Attorney in SDNY will forever be the greatest honor of my professional life.”

“One hallmark of justice is absolute independence, and that was my touchstone every day that I served,” Bharara later said in a statement.

Bharara’s refusal to resign created a stunning public standoff Saturday, as 46 US attorneys across the country were asked to tender their resignations Friday afternoon.

A source told CNN that Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente called Bharara on Saturday to ask if it was true that he was refusing to resign, and Bharara told him yes.

Boente then called Bharara back and said Trump was firing him, the source said.

A senior administration official told CNN that Bharara was asked for his resignation along with every other US attorney except for Boente and Trump’s nominee to be his replacement as deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, “because of uniformity. It’s important to have consistency and uniformity in matters like this.”

But unlike the others, the reason Bharara’s dismissal came as a surprise is that the high-profile US attorney had been told after a meeting with Trump in November that he could stay on and felt blindsided by the request for his resignation on Friday, sources told CNN.

According to a source familiar with the meeting between Trump and Bharara in November 2016 at Trump Tower, the President-elect asked Bharara to stay on the job and they shook hands. Trump then directed Bharara to go out to the cameras and tell them, “I asked you to stay.”

One source told CNN that Trump asked Bharara to continue as US attorney at the behest of Sen. Chuck Schumer, who made the request when he and Trump were discussing how they could work together.

In a statement Friday, the New York Democrat said he was “troubled” to learn of the Trump administration’s request for Bharara’s and other US attorneys’ resignations, adding that Trump initiated a call to him in November “and assured me he wanted Mr. Bharara to continue to serve as U.S. attorney for the Southern District.”

By asking for the immediate resignations of the remaining US attorneys before their replacements have been confirmed, “the President is interrupting ongoing cases and investigations and hindering the administration of justice,” Schumer said.

Bharara previously served as Schumer’s chief counsel and was appointed US attorney in 2009 by President Barack Obama.

Bharara made a name for himself prosecuting dozens of high-profile bankers for insider trading and securities fraud. He will also leave behind a legacy of aggressively prosecuting political corruption. His dogged pursuit of hedge funds is said to have inspired the Showtime series “Billions,” in which actor Paul Giamatti plays a cutthroat federal prosecutor.

A former FBI agent who requested anonymity to freely discuss the matter called Bharara’s firing “crazy,” saying he is a “rock star” in the law enforcement community.

The White House referred CNN to the Department of Justice for an official comment on the matter.

“Preet Bharara is no longer US attorney of the Southern District of New York,” a Justice Department spokesperson told CNN Saturday.

Bharara announced that Joon H. Kim, the current deputy US attorney, will serve in his place.