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President Biden and Super Bowl MVP Tom Brady are still celebrating big victories from earlier this year — and both are apparently still befuddled by naysayers who doubted the outcome.

Brady and the rest of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers visited the White House on Tuesday in honor of their 31-9 win over the Kansas City Chiefs at Super Bowl LV. During the appearance, the 2021 Super Bowl MVP also took a moment to jokingly commiserate with Biden about the folks still in disbelief over their achievements.

“It didn’t look great there at one point,” said Brady, referring to an early part of the game when the team was “struggling.”

“But we found our rhythm,” Brady added. “We got on a roll. Not a lot of people think that we could’ve won. In fact, I think about 40% of the people still don’t think we won.”

“I understand that,” Biden interjected.

“Do you understand that, Mr. President?” Brady asked.

“I understand that,” Biden repeated.

Brady then briefly described what it was like being a “little older” than everyone else in the game.

“We had a game in Chicago where I forgot what down it was. I lost track of one down in 21 years of playing, and they started calling me ‘Sleepy Tom.’ Why would they do that to me?” he asked Biden.

“I don’t know!” Biden said, throwing up his hands.

“It’s been in Ohio as early as the mid-1850s at least, brought in as an ornamental plant because of its unique foliage and white flowers,” Gardner said. “It was actually planted in people’s landscaping, and it has been spreading.”

During his remarks, Brady added that it was an honor to be invited to the White House, and thanked President Biden for his hospitality during the team’s visit.

Brady, however, had previously said on numerous occasions that Donald Trump — Biden’s rival in the 2020 election — had been a “good friend” and golfing buddy prior to the 2016 election. At the time, he also claimed “it would be great” if Trump won the presidency, though he never publicly revealed who he voted for in the 2016 race.

Brady publicly disagreed with Trump in 2017 after the latter said the NFL should fire players for taking a knee during the national anthem, with Brady calling the then-president’s comments “just divisive.”