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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she’s praying for the president and hopes his testing positive for COVID-19 might be a “learning experience” about the virus.

“Let us all pray for the president’s health,” Pelosi said on MSNBC. She added, “This is tragic, It is very sad.”

The speaker said she was tested out of caution and is awaiting results. But said warned against “brazen” behavior that allowed “something like this to happen.”

President Donald Trump announced he and first lady Melania Trump have tested positive for the coronavirus, and a White House official said the president is experiencing “mild symptoms” of COVID-19.

Trump’s positive test came just hours after the White House announced that senior aide Hope Hicks came down with the virus after traveling with the president several times this week.

Trump is 74 years old, putting him at higher risk of serious complications from a virus that has now killed more than 205,000 people nationwide.

A spokesman says Vice President Mike Pence tested negative for the virus on Friday morning and “remains in good health.”