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PADUCAH, Ky. (WDKY) — The most delicious fundraiser of the year is back. Girl Scouts across the country are now selling their iconic cookies online and outside storefronts. In Western Kentucky, two scouts set a goal this year to sell a box of the beloved treat to someone in all 50 states.

“I’m like, ‘Mama, how about we sell to all 50 states?'” said Claire Hummel, a Brownie Scout in Troop 270.

Hummel and her older sister, Addison Clark, a Junior Scout in Troop 2701, are in their cookie-selling era, but Clark wasn’t as “fearless” about setting up shop across the country.

“I was confused. My brain had to think,” said Clark.

She thought Hummel’s idea could only be achieved in their “Wildest Dreams,” but thanks to the loyal fan base of a popular popstar, the scouts reached their goal in a week.

“I say it as a joke, but it really was the Swifties,” said their mother, Katie Clark.

As Taylor Swift toured the country, Katie Clark connected on social media with other lovers of the award-winning artist to watch her performances. Then, concerts became cookies as the girls tried to sell them from coast to coast.

“I reached out to them, and they knew some of the people on our list that we hadn’t checked off in those states. They kind of just kept going like that until we crossed off the last one,” said Katie Clark.

“Fifteen” states swiftly became “22.” Each crossed off the list with “Red,” blue, or orange hearts until the last box was sold to a fan from Vermont.

The superstar is also a role model for the two scouts and a reason they joined a troop. Before the stage and spotlight, Taylor Swift also sported a sash and badge.

“She was my age when she started, I think,” said Hummel.

The girls’ sales also span internationally, with donations from Canada and Germany to send cookies to U.S. military members. The next person they hope to sell a box to is Miss Americana herself, as long as she’s “ready for it.”

To find a Girl Scout cookie booth near you, click here.