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Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron on Thursday told the family of Breonna Taylor, the people who have protested her death and police officers that he is committed to a thorough investigation.

“We are working around the clock to follow the law to the truth,” Cameron said at press conference. He became a special prosecutor in the case in May when a commonwealth’s attorney cited a conflict of interest.

“I’d also like to say to all those involved in this case, you have my commitment that our office is undertaking a thorough and fair investigation,” he said.

Taylor, 26, was shot eight times by Louisville police after officers forced their way inside her home and exchanged shots with her boyfriend during an attempted drug raid in March.

The officers had a no-knock warrant. Last week, the Louisville Metro Council unanimously passed an ordinance called “Breonna’s Law,” banning no-knock search warrants.

The ordinance also requires all Louisville Metro Police Department officers to be equipped with an operating body camera while carrying out a search.

The attorney general said a few weeks after being asked to serve as special prosecutor, his office began to receive material from the Louisville Metro Police Department’s Public Integrity Unit, which was already in the process of conducting an investigation into the events involving Taylor’s death.

According to Cameron, his office has continued to receive information from the unit and reviews the materials immediately each time.

The attorney general said his office is undertaking its own independent investigation to determine the truth. “We believe that the independent steps we are taking are crucial for the findings to be accepted, both by the community, and by those directly involved in the case. An investigation of this magnitude, when done correctly, requires time and patience.”

The case has been part of the national conversation on police and how they interact with communities of color. “Obviously, there are sensitivities to this case because of everything that’s going on in this country, but at the end of the day my responsibility is to make sure that we get it right,” Cameron said.