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St. Louis lawyer and U.S. Senate candidate Mark McCloskey may have been forced to give up his old semi-automatic rifle, but now, he has a new one.

McCloskey on Saturday posted on Twitter of photo of himself posing with an AR-15 at a gun store. “Check out my new AR!” he wrote.

McCloskey and his wife, Patricia, received national attention last June when they waved guns at racial injustice protesters who ventured near their St. Louis mansion. Both were indicted on felony weapons charges. Several leading Republicans came to their defense, including then-President Donald Trump.

Last week, both Mark and Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanors in a plea agreement. He was fined $750 and she was fined $2,000. St. Louis Circuit Judge David Mason also ordered them to surrender the weapons that were displayed at protesters, and he ordered the weapons destroyed.

Mark McCloskey announced in May he will run for the U.S. Senate in 2022.