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A baby was among three people who died after a 6.9-magnitude earthquake struck early Monday morning off Mexico’s coast, near Guatemala.

The quake struck in Puerto Madre, Mexico (map), at 4:23 a.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Initially four people were reported dead after the quake, three of them in Guatemala, according to the Los Angeles Times. But Guatemala’s president later said a newborn died from falling debris in that country, and two others were killed in Chiapas, the newspaper reported.

Dozens of homes and schools were damaged.

Cities near the epicenter included Tapachula, Mexico, and Ciudad Tecun Uman, Guatemala.

The quake, which did not trigger a tsunami warning, struck at a depth of about 37 miles.

USGS originally reported the quake as having a magnitude of 7.1, but that was revised.