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While her patient, Thomas Eric Duncan, 42, has come to represent the tragedy of Ebola in the United States, for many the 26-year-old nurse symbolizes America’s determination to defeat the disease.

Pham, a nurse at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, cared for Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan and later contracted the disease. (Credit: Sarah Strittmatter)

Pham became the first person to contract the deadly disease on U.S. soil, and on Thursday, days after she was diagnosed and isolated at the hospital where she works, was flown to a National Institutes of Health hospital in Maryland.

Joseph had said the night before that Pham had not planned to move, but that as her condition improved, decisions would be made based on the recommendations of her treatment team. A second nurse infected with Ebola, Amber Vinson, 29, was transferred Wednesday to Atlanta.

On Thursday afternoon, as an ambulance was escorted from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital to the airport, scores of Pham’s co-workers, many wearing blue scrubs, lined the hospital exit to see her off, holding up brightly colored posters as they clapped, waved and cheered.

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