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Social distancing isn’t just for people.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now telling pet owners that their four-legged furry friends should follow the same physical distancing guidelines as humans.

That includes limiting their interactions with people and other animals outside of the immediate household, according to CDC guidance.

On Tuesday, the federal health agency also urged those infected with COVID-19 to have someone else care for their pets while sick, if possible, to avoid exposing them to the virus.

“If a person inside the household becomes sick, isolate that person from everyone else, including pets,” the CDC’s website states.

Those who can’t have someone else care for their pet or pets while sick should wash their hands before and after interactions to help prevent the virus’ spread.

The CDC’s advice comes after several animals contracted the virus following contact with infected individuals.

Two cats in New York were the first known pets in the U.S. to test positive with COVID-19. A North Carolina family’s pug, meanwhile, may be the first dog in the country to be diagnosed with the novel coronavirus.

All three pets showed mild symptoms of the respiratory illness but recovered.

“We are still learning about this virus, but it appears that it can spread from people to animals in some situations,” the CDC’s website says.

The CDC has issued guidelines for owners to help protect their pets, such as keeping cats indoors as much as possible and avoiding dog parks.

When walking dogs, owners should use a leash and maintain at least six feet of distance from everyone — humans and animals, alike.

In addition, owners who become infected with COVID-19 and believe they may have passed on the illness to their pet should not bring their dog or cat into a veterinarian’s office themselves. Instead, they should alert the veterinarian first by phone and figure out the best course of action from there.

With few cases reported among pets, however, the agency emphasized that it is still working with human and animal health experts to gather more information.

“Further studies are needed to understand if and how different animals could be affected by the virus that causes COVID-19 and the role animals may play in the spread of COVID-19,” the CDC’s website states.

The risk of it spreading from pets to people is considered low, officials say.

The CDC has devoted a section of its website to answering frequently asked questions about pets and COVID-19. More information can be found here.