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In the midst of the state’s most destructive wildfire season, California has garnered another dubious distinction: August was the hottest month on record in California, according to a report from UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain.

ferocious heat wave midway through the month — during which parts of Los Angeles County soared well above 100 degrees — helped push limits not seen since a deadly seven-day stretch in July 2006. In Death Valley, a blistering 130 degrees on Aug. 16 was thought to be the highest temperature on Earth in nearly a century.

California wasn’t the only state to reach new heights in August: Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico also saw their own hottest Augusts on record, Swain’s report said.

“You weren’t alone — not that that makes you feel any better,” Russell Vose, a scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said of the findings across the western U.S. Vose said the records go back as far as 1895.

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