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The White House’s vow to keep the foreign affairs on the front burner during a fundraising trip this week appears to be unnecessary.

It was clear from President Obama’s first stop Tuesday that the world headlines would trail him on his money chase.  Arriving for an afternoon reception with donors, Obama was greeted by pro-Palestinian protesters camped outside the waterfront home of Ann and Bruce Blume, Obama bundlers.

The group of about 40 protesters waved signs decrying Israel’s ground assault in Gaza – “End the occupation, Mr. President. Stop Apartheid” –  and chanted “Free Palestine!”

A group of protesters camped along the route of the presidential motorcade is not unusual, although the topic is more often the Keystone Pipeline than the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  This group was also notable for how close they were to the driveway of the ivy-covered home with the views of Lake Washington. About 250 people paid $500 to $20,000 to attend the reception benefiting the Democratic National Committee, according to a DNC official.

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