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Are you having issues receiving KTLA? If so, here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do:

  1. If you receive KTLA via cable or satellite, please contact your service provider. 
  2. If you receive KTLA via antenna, please follow these instructions: 
    1. Switch to a different channel and then go back to KTLA. If the signal does not reappear, please go to step two. 
    2. Please disconnect the power cord from either your television or set-top digital receiver, wait 30 seconds and then reconnect power. If KTLA has not returned, try these additional advanced steps. 
    3. Perform a channel rescan. This step will locate all channels that are receivable in your viewing area. Each television or set-top receiver has specific instructions. The following will help guide you through a typical menu. 
      1. Press the “menu” button on your remote control. If you don’t have a remote control, your TV should have a built-in “menu” button located on the lower front panel or on one of its sides. 
      2. Find and select the “channel scan” option. You may have to look through various menu sections such as settings, tools, options or channel menus to find the channel scan option. 
      3. Once the scanning process begins, it may take up to 10 minutes to complete. If you have an indoor antenna, please remain seated where you normally watch TV so that you don’t block the incoming signal from reaching your indoor antenna. 
      4. When scanning is complete, your TV will either display the number of channels available or it may go back to your last channel watched. 
      5. Select KTLA Channel 5.1 or 5-1. No further action is necessary if you can now see KTLA. 

If you are still experiencing difficulties in receiving KTLA, please email us at or by visiting