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A water main ruptured in Studio City early Friday morning, creating a 40-foot gusher on a residential street and leaving some 60 DWP customers without service for about 10 hours.

A water main ruptured on a street in Studio City on Friday, Oct. 10, 2014. (Credit: Newsreel)
A water main ruptured on a street in Studio City on Friday, Oct. 10, 2014. (Credit: Newsreel)

The 8-inch pipe broke about 2 a.m. on Halkirk Street, near Coldwater Canyon Avenue (map), according to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

Utility crews responded to the location and were working on repairing the water main. The utility announced on Twitter about 12:45 p.m. that service was restored.

“Basically we heard a rumbling outside the house,” said a man who lives in the area. “At some point it felt like somebody was outside the front of the house with a fire hose.”

The scene was less than half a mile from the intersection of Coldwater Canyon and Ventura Boulevard, where in 2009 a 64-inch pipe burst open, sending sending a torrent of water onto nearby streets.