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A home security camera captured the frightening moment when a woman in Encino Hills came face-to-face with a group of burglars who broke into her home.

The burglary happened in broad daylight last Friday and was the latest in what neighbors say is an alarming trend.

The victim, who did not want her identity released, said she was inside her home when she first noticed thumping sounds coming from outside, possibly from the roof.  

It turns out the suspects entered her property through the house next door which is under construction.

“I yelled and screamed … they didn’t want to cause any trouble,” she told KTLA. “I think they just wanted to run.”

Surveillance video shows the burglars, all of whom were wearing hoodies, dash out of the home and down the street as the homeowner briefly chases after them.

“Their car was hiding a block away and then they signaled themselves up to come here and pick them up,” her husband said. “They made a very, very fast U-turn, burned some tires, and just got out.”

Encino home burglars
Surveillance video shows the burglars, all of whom were wearing hoodies, dash out of the home and down the street. June 2023.

The couple says the would-be thieves didn’t steal anything, but the break-in was especially troubling because they have a daughter with special needs in the home.

The getaway car is believed to be a white Dodge Caravan. The victims and neighbors who spoke with KTLA believe the same suspects could be responsible for other burglaries in the neighborhood.