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Ventura County sheriffs have turned their battery investigation of Britney Spears over to the Ventura County District Attorney for a decision on whether to prosecute the pop star for the misdemeanor, Capt. Eric Buschow said Friday.

Spears was accused of battery earlier this month by one of her housekeepers, who said the singer — who is in the middle of an epic court battle over her conservatorship — struck her during an argument over her dogs.

Buschow said previously that the housekeeper contacted deputies in the aftermath of the incident, which allegedly occurred Aug. 16, and filed a report. He declined to discuss specifically how the housekeeper claimed Spears made physical contact but said the housekeeper showed no visible signs of injury.

“It is routine for a matter like this to be sent to the DA’s misdemeanor unit,” Mathew Rosengart, the singer’s attorney, said in a statement Friday. “To its credit, the Sheriff’s Department has already acknowledged that the matter, even as alleged, involved an ‘extremely minor’ or ‘very minor misdemeanor, with obviously ‘no injuries.’ There was also no striking, and if this did not involve Britney Spears this never would have been reported at all.

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