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Frustrated with the state’s process for allowing businesses, schools and other facilities to reopen during the coronavirus pandemic, leaders in Riverside County are looking to join forces with officials in other Southern California counties to press Sacramento for changes to its strategy.

The Riverside County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a report that called on the county “to work in a collaborative fashion with our colleagues in other Southern California counties to engage the state in a truly meaningful conversation of the devastating impacts that the state tier system, as currently configured, is having on our counties.”

Supervisor Karen Spiegel, who introduced the motion, and others on the board criticized California’s four-tier, color-coded system for deciding how far each of the state’s 58 counties can go toward reopening as overly broad and unequally applied.

“I’ve always said there’s power in numbers,” Spiegel said. “Our voice is louder than just one county.”

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