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Chanting “UC, UC, can’t you see? We don’t want your tuition fee,” more than 100 UCLA students marched through campus Tuesday as part of a University of California-wide student rally opposing a proposed tuition hike.

The proposal, to be voted on by the UC regents Wednesday, would increase tuition by as much as 5% in each of the next five years, and has drawn sharp opposition from Gov. Jerry Brown.

UC President Janet Napolitano has said the increase was necessary to help pay for higher pension and salary costs, as well as to increase the enrollment of California students in light of inadequate state funding. If approved, the plan would increase next year’s tuition by $612 to $12,804, and could increase to $15,564 by the 2019-2020 school year.

The rallies at the UC campuses show the unity of the student body, said Jefferson Kuoch-Seng, president of the UC Student Assn.

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