A former UC Berkeley fraternity member was arrested for allegedly punching, biting and sexually assaulting two women, one of them at a fraternity house, authorities said Thursday.
Finn Wolff, 20, was arrested Tuesday and has been charged with multiple felonies related to the November 2017 and March 2019 attacks, the Berkeley Police Department said.
Wolff was arraigned Thursday and his bail was set at $750,000, the San Jose Mercury News reported.
It wasn’t clear whether he had an attorney.
A criminal complaint filed Thursday accuses him of three counts of forcible rape, two counts of forcible oral copulation and one count each of sexual penetration by force and sexual penetration by foreign object.
In the more recent incident, Wolff allegedly backed the victim into a balcony railing and forced her to kiss him. She tried to push him off several times, to which Wolff responded by punching her in the eye and ribs, injuring her, court documents state.
Wolff then allegedly forced the woman’s head down to his genitals, and she performed oral sex out of fear.
The victim was able to run to safety after a short time, prosecutors said.
The second woman came forward while police were investigating the first incident, officials said.
She told investigators Wolff held her down while digitally penetrating, orally copulating and raping her on Nov. 3, 2017 at a fraternity near campus.
Wolff is accused of biting her multiple times during the assault. The woman’s body was bruised, and at least one bite broke her skin, authorities said.
Prosecutors are seeking sentencing enhancements for the allegations that he attacked multiple victims and committed multiple offenses.
Court documents show that Wolff was arrested at 2335 Warring St., a residence next door to the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity house. Officials have not specified which fraternity Wolff belonged to.
Detectives investigating the sexual assaults learned there may be additional people attacked by the student, but those victims have not come forward to police.
Authorities say none of the reported assaults occurred on the UC Berkeley campus.
The department is encouraging anyone with additional information or who was assaulted by Wolff to contact Berkeley police at 510-981-5717.