This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

A man and a woman who had apparently just met on a Chula Vista trolley on Valentine’s Day allegedly had sex outside a dress store in an incident that stunned onlooking employees and customers, a San Diego-area station reported.

The incident occurred outside a Christina's Dress Shop in Chula Vista. (Credit: KGTV via CNN)
The incident occurred outside a Christina’s Dress Shop in Chula Vista. (Credit: KGTV via CNN)

At first, the unidentified pair began making out and rolling around on the sidewalk of a strip mall Saturday, according to cellphone video shot by Christy Peterson and obtained by CNN affiliate KGTV.

It was around 3:30 p.m. and the duo seemed oblivious to the patrons who were milling around the shops, including inside the dress store where she worked, Peterson told the station.

The two appeared to be just feet away from the store and a parking lot as they passionately kissed and groped one another, the video showed.

“It was unbelievable,” said Peterson, who videotaped the couple from inside the shop through a closed glass door. “They were rolling on the ground making out and getting sexual.”

The intense make-out session lasted for about 15 minutes before the pair allegedly began removing their clothes. The man got fully nude, while the woman stripped out of everything except for her skirt, Peterson said, according to KGTV.

She added that the man was on top of the woman and her legs were up.

According to Peterson, her store was filled at the time with mostly teenage shoppers looking for prom attire. A mother and her baby, and a 17-year-old girl who had just started working at the dress shop were also there when the alleged public sex occurred.

“We were so shocked our mouths were just opened,” she told the TV station. “We were just panicked.”

When security failed to show up, Peterson called police and alerted them to the situation.

She said they arrived a short time later, but their sudden appearance evidently didn’t faze the couple.

“They were… cuddled up while police were giving them tickets,” Peterson said.

The man and woman reportedly didn’t even know each other names, and police said they had just met on a trolley.

The station reported that the woman was ticketed while the man was taken away in handcuffs.

CNN contributed to this story.

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