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Private and public golf courses in Riverside County that were closed due to the coronavirus pandemic are allowed to reopen with certain restrictions as of Monday, county officials announced.

The announcement comes as public health officials amended their April 2 order and determined that golf play is allowed as long as social distancing is maintained and face coverings are worn, according to Riverside County public health officials.

“Play is being cautiously reopened for observation,” Dr. Cameron Kaiser, the county’s public health officer said.

There can only be four players per group — who must maintain six feet separation between one another — and only one person per golf cart, the order says. The use of caddies as well as in-person dining will not be allowed.

Hiking, biking, equestrian activities and tennis are also permitted activities as long as social distancing is maintained and facial coverings are worn.

“With proper safety guidelines, our residents can benefit from healthy activities that promote physical exercise, wellness and behavioral health so long as physical distancing is practiced,” County Board Chair and Fourth District Supervisor V. Manuel Perez said. “We will continue to listen and base decisions on thorough review, best practices, data and science.”

Parks and trails in the county remain open, while team sports, public events, gatherings and the use of picnic tables and playgrounds are prohibited.

The announcement comes after the county modified its guidelines Friday to allow residents who don’t have COVID-19 symptoms to get tested for the respiratory illness. Testing was previously limited to those with symptoms and those who had possible exposure to a confirmed case.

As of Monday, 30,693 people in the county had been tested for the virus, with 2,847 positive cases and 85 deaths, according to Riverside University Health System-Public Health.