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A hoarder house in the 19100 block of Cantara Street in Reseda has neighbors worried.

The home drew comparisons to the Koreatown home that has been criticized by neighbors and others for hoarding. Cleanup on that home began yesterday.

“The place is just filled with garbage. There must be 40, 50 vehicles over there, all decaying,” neighbor Drew Lobenstein said.

Despite numerous efforts by neighbors, legal efforts have not yet resulted in the cleanup of the property.

Los Angeles City Councilman Bob Blumenfield is also seeking to improve the home, but only so much can be done so quickly.

In a statement, the communications office for Blumenfield noted that “there is a long history with this property.”

“A few years ago Councilmember Blumenfield and our staff worked with LAFD and other departments when we were alerted to various fire code and building and safety violations at this site,” the statement read. “The owner was cited, vehicles were removed but the individual then sued the city, unsuccessfully. Right now, there are multiple open complaints with LADBS regarding this property that are currently making their way through the process. The Councilmember is working with departments on further mitigation.”