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At least 100 protesters gathered Saturday outside the Hancock Park residence of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, with marchers calling for the economy to reopen and condemning the health orders enacted in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Los Angeles police Sgt. Zachary Wechsler said the crowd numbered between 100 to 200 people at Getty House, the city-owned mansion in Windsor Square that serves as the residence for L.A.’s mayors. No arrests were made, and the protest lasted about two hours, Wechsler said.

Officer Mike Chan, a spokesman for the L.A. Police Department, said demonstrators had dispersed by about 4:30 p.m. Images of the protest published online showed crowds waving American flags and carrying signs demanding an end to the shutdown.

Signs visible in the crowd said, “Back to work,” and “facts not fear” and “fear is the virus.” At least one protester carried a cardboard sheet with “Q” spray-painted in black, which appeared to reference QAnon, a far-right conspiracy theory that centers on a supposed secret plot by an alleged “deep state” against President Trump and his supporters.

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