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An estimated 150 to 200 people gathered in downtown Los Angeles Monday in response to the police shooting of a Black man in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over the weekend. 

Officials declared a citywide tactical alert shortly before midnight when some of the demonstrators who refused to leave began throwing rocks, bottles and fireworks at officers, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles Police Department said.

Police initially responded to the intersections of Temple Street and Main Street, and Temple Street and Spring Street, the spokesperson said.

Video recorded at the scene by journalist Samuel Barslow and shared with KTLA showed a group of demonstrators removing a barricade that was set up in front of LAPD headquarters.

The tactical alert ended about 1:15 a.m. and officers responding from other stations were allowed to go back to their areas, the spokesperson said.

Authorities did not immediately release information on whether any arrests were made or if any protesters were injured during the demonstration.

A few officers suffered minor injuries but did not require being transported to a hospital, according to an LAPD spokesperson.

The protest happened after Kenosha police shot Jacob Blake as officers tried to stop him from entering his vehicle on Sunday.

Blake was hospitalized in intensive care following the shooting.

His father said Tuesday that Blake had been shot eight times and was paralyzed from the waist down.

The incident has led to demonstrations in cities across the U.S., including in New York City, Washington D.C. and Minneapolis.