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High school football player Matt Fahn was 14 years old when he was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in 2018. Although he is now in remission, the Pacific Palisades teen is trying to help others diagnosed with the the cancer by raising money to find a cure.

Fahn told KTLA his friends and neighbors were very supportive through his three months of chemotherapy and he wanted to make a video thanking them. His video went viral on Twitter with over 2 million views.

Major athletes and celebrities even responded with inspirational messages, including former NFL player Rob Gronkowski. His video also got the attention of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, which invited him to become a part of their youth fundraising program.

Last year, Fahn raised $17,000 for the organization in three weeks and won their “Teammate of the Year” award.

This year, he has decided to run for “Student of the Year” with a goal of raising $200,000 to support cancer patients.

He says he is now on a team reaching out to corporate sponsors and businesses, trying to reach his goal to help find a cure for blood cancer and to help support families of patients.

“I don’t want it to be about me. A lot of people do it for recognition or for friends to say that’s cool or just for [their] resume,” Fahn said. “I want to make a difference.”

He has until March 6 to reach his fundraising goal and is collecting donations on the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society website.