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A man who kidnapped a medical marijuana dispensary owner in 2012 and tortured him as part of a plot to extort money was sentenced Friday to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Orange County Superior Court Judge Gregg Prickett gave Kyle Shirakawa Handley, 39, the maximum sentence of life in state prison. A jury in January found Handley guilty of of kidnapping, aggravated mayhem and torture, all felonies.

Prosecutors contended that Handley, a marijuana grower who supplied the victim’s dispensary, and three other defendants had kidnapped the man and his female roommate from their Newport Beach home on Oct. 2, 2012. After a high-rolling Las Vegas trip together in May 2012, prosecutors said, Handley mistakenly believed the dispensary owner had a large amount of money buried in the desert. Handley hatched a plan to steal it with two other men he grew up with in Fresno, authorities said.

Hossein Nayeri and Ryan Kevorkian, both 39, are facing the same charges as Handley in the case.

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