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Organizers have canceled an annual fundraiser in Northern California after their tiny school became the target of online conspiracy theorists, who claimed on Twitter that the event could be pulled into a terror plot.

The Blue Marble Jubilee — a festival produced by the Grass Valley Charter School Foundation and scheduled for Saturday — will not happen out of concerns for personal safety. The crisis in the town northeast of Sacramento unfolded earlier this week, starting with a tweet from former FBI Director James B. Comey.

Comey, now an author who’s making appearances on the speaker circuit, joined in a popular game called “Five Jobs I’ve Had.” He listed grocery store clerk, vocal soloist for church weddings, chemist, strike-replacement high school teacher and “FBI director, interrupted.”

A QAnon conspiracy theorist mixed the letters in his tweet to spell “five jihad.” Next, the person took the first letter of each of the jobs to create GVCSF — citing the initials of the Grass Valley Charter School Foundation and sparking a belief that Comey helped to leak a hidden terror attack.

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