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Bad news for Californians hoping to enjoy a joint with their coffee: a bill that would have allowed cannabis cafés has been vetoed by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Assembly Bill 374 was written to allow Amsterdam-style lounges where cannabis products could be sold alongside food and drinks.

While some similar businesses currently exist, they do so through a legal loophole, usually by having a technically separate business “deliver” food and drink products to consumption lounge customers.

In a message announcing his veto, Newsom said he “appreciate[s] the author’s intent to provide cannabis retailers with increased business opportunities and an avenue to attract new customers.”

“However, I am concerned this bill could undermine California’s long-standing smoke-free
workplace protections,” he wrote. “Protecting the health and safety of workers is paramount. I encourage the author to address this concern in subsequent legislation.”

In response, Assemblymember Matt Haney (D-San Francisco) posted to X, formerly Twitter, four sad face emojis.