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Orange County moved from the purple tier to the red tier in California’s coronavirus guidelines on Tuesday, meaning many businesses in the county can start to reopen indoor operations with modifications.

The county had been in the purple tier, for “widespread” risk, since the new color-coded guidelines were introduced by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Aug. 28. The numbers of daily new COVID-19 cases and positive tests have been low enough in recent weeks for the county to move into the red tier, which indicates “substantial” risk.

In the red tier of the four-tiered system, restaurants, movie theaters and places of worship can resume indoor operations at either 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever number is fewer. Restaurants must close by 10 p.m.

Indoor shopping malls, swap meets and retail stores can be open at 50% capacity. Hair salons can reopen indoors with modifications, as can gyms, though gym capacity must be limited to 10%.

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