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The decision by a Missouri grand jury not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown was greeted with shock, sadness and disappointment Monday by dozens of people gathered at Leimert Park in South Los Angeles.

Dozens of people march down Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Monday protesting the grand jury decision in the Michael Brown shooting case. (Credit: KTLA)
Dozens of people march down Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Monday protesting the grand jury decision in the Michael Brown shooting case. (Credit: KTLA)

“Frankly, I’m afraid for my children,” said Carol Medina of the National Action Network. “Black life has no value.”

A crowd of people carrying signs and photographs of the teenager killed in the Aug. 9 shooting began gathering at the park earlier in the day in anticipation of the long-awaited announcement.

After the decision was made public, several dozen protesters started marching down Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The crowd was blocking traffic but was marching peacefully, aerial video showed.

Ferguson grand jury protesters attempted to march onto the 10 Freeway at La Brea Avenue on Monay night. (Credit: KTLA)
Ferguson grand jury protesters attempted to march onto the 10 Freeway at La Brea Avenue on Monday night. (Credit: KTLA)

At one point, protesters attempted to walk up the off-ramp to the 10 Freeway at La Brea Avenue but were blocked by members of the California Highway Patrol.

Among those taking part in the march was Michael Brown’s cousin Deric Lewis.

“They can send Michael Vick to jail for a dog but my cousin Mike Brown … can’t get justice,” Lewis said. “”Man, it’s pretty messed up.”

Despite his disappointment with the decision, Lewis urged demonstrators to protest peacefully.

“Do it in a positive way, keep marching and keep coming together as a community all around America,” Lewis said.

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