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Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has tested positive for the coronavirus while at a climate summit abroad, his office announced Wednesday.

Garcetti, who is fully vaccinated, is isolating in his hotel room in Scotland, according to a statement from the mayor’s office.

He told KTLA hours after the result was made public that he was “feeling great,” and that he was hopeful that it was either a false positive or that he would experience only minor symptoms as a result of being vaccinated.

Garcetti was in Glasgow for the United Nations Climate Change Conference when he received the positive test. He was slated to participate in an event Wednesday, the L.A. Business Council tweeted.

Garcetti, who is the outgoing chair of the C40 group, spoke at the conference Tuesday and met with other big city mayors from across the globe earlier this week, according to his office.

The mayor received his first dose of the coronavirus vaccine back in January, after spending several days assisting health care workers who were administering the jabs at the Dodger Stadium mass vaccination site.

Garcetti, 50, wasn’t eligible at the time under L.A. County guidelines, but received the shot based on the recommendation of medical personnel.

“The medical personnel strongly recommended that he receive the vaccine, as they have recommended and provided for other field staff and volunteers at the site who have close contact with clients,” a statement from his office said at the time.

His first dose came not long after his 9-year-old daughter tested positive for the virus.

It’s unclear how much longer Garcetti will serve as the mayor of Los Angeles. He has been tapped by Joe Biden to be the U.S. ambassador to India, but he’s among a number of the president’s nominations that are being held up by Senate Republicans, the L.A. Times reports.

Garcetti’s mayoral term is set to end December 2022.