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Leaked emails show Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s former chief of staff calling the Black Lives Matter movement “annoying,” Vice News reported.

The disparaging comments were made in private emails sent from Ana Guerrero in 2016 and 2017 and were obtained by the news organization.

“I am getting annoyed by all the lefties … Not as annoying as BLM, but getting close,” Guerrero apparently wrote in 2016, Vice reported.

Guerrero, who was placed on administrative leave after making disparaging comments about labor icon Dolores Huerta on a private Facebook group, now serves as a strategic adviser to the mayor.

Melina Abdullah, co-founder of BLM Los Angeles, said the emails show an ongoing and pervasive problem coming from within the Garcetti administration.

“This is about how that translated into policies and behaviors that brought harm…including sicking LAPD on protestors more than 80 times,” BLM L.A. said in a tweet Friday.

In a statement Friday, the mayor’s office touted the administration’s social justice agenda, and indicated any comments will be addressed internally.

“If there are comments that shouldn’t have been made by current staff, we will address those internally, and we will continue pushing forward with bold action to make L.A. more just and equitable for everyone,” the statement read.