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Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore wants an officer to be fired for allegedly sharing a Valentine-style meme of George Floyd’s face and the phrase “You take my breath away.”

Moore’s decision sends the officer, who has not been publicly identified, to a disciplinary panel that will rule on how the officer should be punished, if at all. As chief, Moore does not have the authority to fire officers.

Electing to send the officer’s case to the panel, known as a Board of Rights, was the “most aggressive act” he could take, Moore said. He added that he hoped the move will send a clear message that the department does not tolerate such behavior because of “how corrosive it is to the public trust” in law enforcement.

Under the rules for Boards of Rights, the officer can choose to have his case heard by a panel of two LAPD officers of the rank of captain or higher and one civilian panelist, or a panel of three civilians.

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