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The Los Angeles Unified School District has reached a tentative $6.4-million settlement over Pearson educational software that it purchased but barely used. The deal is the latest fallout from an aborted plan to provide an iPad to every student, teacher and campus administrator in the nation’s second-largest school district.

The Board of Education is likely to vote on the deal at its first meeting in October. The bidding process that led to the original computer contract remains the subject of an ongoing FBI investigation.

Under the settlement, Apple will pay the district $4.2 million and another computer maker, Lenovo, will lower its bill for equipment recently purchased in the amount of $2.2 million. The settlements are with the device makers because Pearson was a subcontractor to them in the purchasing agreements with L.A. Unified.

Nearly all the money will be used to buy computers through a competitive district grant program.

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