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Attorneys for the Los Angeles Times and several other news outlets are suing for court records related to the arrest of the man suspected of being the Golden State Killer and the search of his Citrus Heights home.

Joseph James DeAngelo, the man suspected of being the Golden State Killer, appears in court for the first time in Sacramento on April 27, 2018. (Credit: CNN)
Joseph James DeAngelo, the man suspected of being the Golden State Killer, appears in court for the first time in Sacramento on April 27, 2018. (Credit: CNN)

The news outlets have requested that a judge unseal any executed warrants and supporting affidavits, along with lists of property seized during the investigation. The motion was filed in Sacramento County Superior Court.

Many questions remain about how investigators tracked down Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. and linked him to 12 killings between 1978 and 1986. Authorities have said they tapped into a database of DNA profiles on a genealogy website to solve the case, which could have significant implications for how other cold cases are handled.

Attorneys argued that the unique investigative approach has privacy implications for people who submit their DNA to commercial genealogical websites to trace their family history.

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