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The Los Angeles Board of Education has appointed Megan Reilly, who oversees the district’s massive finance, business and operations arm, as interim superintendent two days after schools chief Austin Beutner announced he would not seek a new contract when his current agreement expires on June 30.

Beutner had suggested that the board should choose a current member of his senior staff for the permanent job — for the sake of continuity. But the Board of Education is not prepared to go that route. Instead, Reilly will serve while the board begins a formal search.

It was not immediately clear whether Reilly wishes to be a candidate for superintendent. Beutner is expected to stay on through June and coordinate closely with Reilly. No major departures in policy would be expected under Reilly during this interim period.

Superintendent searches can take a year or more, but can sometimes be concluded quickly. Beutner said an insider could be in place in time to welcome students back in the fall.

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