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L.A. County residents who get vaccinated against COVID-19 starting this Friday will have a chance at winning season tickets for the Dodgers or the Los Angeles Football Club, officials announced Wednesday.

The sweepstakes runs from June 4 to June 10 at L.A. County and L.A. City-run vaccinations sites, as well as at St. John’s Well Child and Family Center locations, according to the county Department of Public Health. Those who participate must be at least 18 years old and an L.A. County resident.

Also qualified is anyone who brings a first-time COVID-19 vaccine recipient with them to their second dose appointment.

The winner will get a pair of tickets to the 2021-2022 home season of either the LAFC soccer team or the reining World Series champions, the Dodgers.

The official rules and participating site locations will be posted on the county’s vaccination sweepstakes page this Friday. 

The announcement came as public health officials announced Wednesday that with the number of people getting vaccinated each week continuing to decrease, they now expect L.A. County won’t reach herd immunity before late August.

“Obviously, we would like for this to happen sooner,” county public health Director Barbara Ferrer said in a news briefing. “So we’re hoping that with easier access and more opportunities to get questions answered about vaccine safety we can increase the number of doses we’re administering each week.”

The Dodgers and LAFC tickets are not the first incentive the county has offered to Angelenos to get them vaccinated. There is another sweepstakes currently in effect that runs through Thursday, June 3, for season tickets to the L.A. Kings or the L.A. Galaxy.

In addition, public health officials previously offered two pairs of Lakers season tickets to incentivize unvaccinated people to get a shot amid a lagging inoculation rate.

The state is also offering cash and other incentives to spur people to get vaccinated, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced last week. Up to $116.5 million is being poured into the initiative, which includes a lottery drawing that vaccinated people will be automatically entered in, and $50 gift and prepaid cards being offered to the next 2 million newly vaccinated residents.

President Joe Biden announced a “month of action” on Wednesday to urge more Americans to get the shot before July 4. One of his partnerships to incentives the vaccine is a promotional giveaway announced by Anheuser-Busch, which said it will “buy Americans 21+ a round of beer” once Biden’s goal of getting 70% of adults at least partially vaccinated by the holiday is met.

“Get a shot and have a beer,” Biden said, in advertising the promotion.