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Even as the daily toll of COVID-19 deaths declines, Latino residents of Los Angeles County are still dying at three times the rate of white residents, according to data released Wednesday.

L.A. County is averaging about 120 COVID-19 deaths a day over the past seven days, half the rate of the peak of 241 deaths a day recorded in early January, according to a Times analysis.

But over the most recent 14-day period for which data is available, Latinos in L.A. County were still dying at a rate of 25 a day per 100,000 residents. That’s still worse than the rate among whites or Asian Americans during any other similar period of the entire pandemic.

According to data analyzed for the two-week period that ended Feb. 12, Black and Asian American residents of L.A. County were dying from COVID-19 at a rate of nine a day per 100,000 residents; while white residents were dying at a rate of eight a day per 100,000 residents.

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