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The Los Angeles City Council approved an emergency moratorium on evictions Tuesday that aims to stop landlords from quickly booting tenants before new statewide rental rules take effect in January.

In a 14-to-0 vote, council members passed a ban on “no-fault” evictions. The ban would prevent property owners from removing residential tenants unless there’s just cause, such as non-payment of rent or use of a unit for criminal activity.

Mayor Eric Garcetti would have to sign the ordinance for it to take effect. If he does so, the city attorney’s office told council members, it could take effect this week.

The ordinance is meant to stop landlords from evicting tenants before new restrictions on evictions and rent increases take effect statewide on Jan. 1. Tenant groups have reported a jump in no-fault evictions since Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1482 into law Oct. 8.

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