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As the nation watches a tight presidential race and agonizes over the future of American democracy, Kim Kardashian’s husband received thousands of votes from Orange County residents.

As of noon Wednesday, West and his Independent Party running mate Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente Guerra received 3,641 votes for president from Orange County residents. West was listed as a vice presidential candidate on the California ballot.

It won’t be good enough to put the man who called himself “the greatest artist that God has ever created” in the Oval Office. West conceded defeat late Tuesday after falling behind Joe Biden and Donald Trump by tens of millions of votes.

West ran on a platform that included restoration of prayer in schools, expansion of education opportunities, investment in renewable energy, and criminal justice reform. “In our future, we will H.E.A.L.,” his campaign website reads. “Hold Everyone Accountable to Love.”

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