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An anti-Trump protester has alleged in a new federal lawsuit that a Los Angeles police officer broke two of his vertebrae by shooting him in the back with a projectile as he was moving other demonstrators away from a police skirmish line in Tujunga in August.

Zeeshan Khan’s complaint, filed last week, alleges Khan had been acting as a peacekeeper to prevent physical clashes between anti-Trump and pro-Trump demonstrators and between rally participants and police, and that he was shot despite representing no threat to the officers.

“He is a gentle giant, and was acting like one,” the complaint states. “He can be seen in photos and on video keeping counter-demonstrators away from pro-Trump demonstrators, de-escalating tension and preventing fights from breaking out.”

Khan’s complaint included a link to online video of the incident that showed Khan — distinct in the crowd given his large size and denim jacket — placing himself between police in riot gear and anti-Trump demonstrators with his arms out to the side and his broad back to the police.

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